Neck Stretches

Neck Stretches

Massage and Neck Stretches for Omohyoid and Scalenes with Nerve Adhesion

Sometimes the Supra Clavicular Nerves will become bound by fascia with the muscle tissue of the Scalenes and the Omohyoid. Gentle friction massage, neck stretches and soft tissue release can help to unwind the nerves from the muscle and fascia. This is a sensitive area of the body, with multiple arteries, veins and nerves running between the clavicle and the scapula. Make sure that only minimal pressure is applied with a flat hand and avoid digging in to the brachial plexus with pointed finger tips. You may feel nerve sensations into the upper arm whist stretching and massaging the omohyoid and scalenes. This is to be expected until such time as the entangled nerves are released from the fascia.

Neck Stretches

Very gentle neck stretches and light massage of this area will increase the range of motion of the neck and often make it easier to breathe (due to the scalenes attachment points on the 1st and 2nd ribs being less restricted).

Spiky Massage Ball Fascial Release

Muscles in the front and side of the neck can get congested and cause tension into the shoulder, arm and chest. You can gently self-massage these muscles using a large soft spiky massage ball, lying on the floor and using a rolled up yoga mat to lift the ball off the ground and apply gentle force through the ball into the tissue. Taking the neck into flexion, extension and rotation gently apply pressure to release nerve fibres from sticky fascia and tight muscle tissue. You can move the arm into different positions to help floss the fibres over the surface of the spiky massage ball. Go easy to start with and stop if you feel anything which is sharp or electric. Always consult your physician or doctor before trying any new type of stretching or exercises.

Richard Daley

Seated Upper Trapezius Stretch with Fixed Shoulder

In order to get a more effective stretch into the Upper Trapezius muscle, hold on to the seat with the hand of the side you are stretching. This will fix the scapula (shoulder blade) in place and mean that the muscle fibres can be lengthened, rather than following your cervical spine as you go into lateral flexion.

Neck Stretches

If you want deeper neck stretches, place your opposite hand on the side of your head and apply some very gentle pressure. Do not stretch beyond what is comfortable, and if you start feeling any nervy or sharp sensations, then ease off or stop. You may find that fascia and nerves in the brachial plexus become entangled in muscle fibres due to injury or inactivity. Perform this stretch a few times a day and hold each side for 25 to 30 seconds, just to the point of tension and breathe deeply as you do so.

Tennis Ball Massage Against a Wall for Neck Stretches

Use a tennis ball against a wall to release tension in your neck, back and shoulders. Hold the ball behind your neck and apply gentle pressure or turn your head side to side to create a cross-friction over the ball. Move the ball to the superior angle of the scapula to pin the levator scapula fibres and move your neck into flexion both forward and laterally. If you want to you can put the ball into a sock and hang it over the back of your shoulder so that it doesn’t fall on the floor.


Bend your knees slightly if you want to massage into the rhomboids and upper trapezius muscles. The closer you are to the wall, the less pressure you will apply to the muscle tissue. Don’t apply excessive pressure or create any sharp pain. Stop if you start feeling pins and needles or sharp pains in your arm, neck or shoulder. Consult your doctor before carrying out any form of self massage, especially if you are already in pain.



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